The Distance Between by Mariah Barlow

The Distance Between is a photographic series that aims to document the relationship between my mom and I. This visual analysis of us has made me realize how similar we actually are when I have gone my whole life feeling so far from any parallel between us. The notion of mother-daughter relationships is often characterized and bound within themes of intimate embraces and lighthearted bonds. Due to underlying childhood trauma, I have unknowingly pushed my mom away from me, little by little over the years. Allowing my mom into my creative space and to experience my workflow put me out of my comfort zone as an artist. It was refreshing to challenge myself to open up to the person I have often been the most reserved with.


"The Distance Between" is a photographic series that aims to document the relationship between my mom and I. This visual analysis of us has made me realize how similar we actually are, when I have gone my whole life feeling so far from any parallel between us.


If These Places Didn't Exist by Sarah Pacheco


39 Days by Mariah Barlow