Denk Ich an Sonneberg
Bill Hertha
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 16, 2018, 7-9 pm
Exhibition Run: Wednesday, June 6th - Saturday, June 30th, 2018
In participation with DocNow 2018
Denk Ich an Sonneberg -- Remembering Sonneberg -- explores my family history over a one-hundred-year period and its transformation through migration. It delves into the shift of family identity over four generations, starting from mono-cultural roots in late 19th century Germany and moving to a 21st century North American household of diverse ethnic backgrounds. This personal chronicle of change employs our collective relationship to food as both a common denominator and cultural indicator as a way of presenting our individual and communal identities. Grounded in acculturation theory, Remembering Sonneberg combines photography and film into an installation, which establishes a point of departure and the narrative of the family's migration to Canada offering a multi-generational perspective of change in identity, the individual and society.
Bill Hertha is a Toronto based travel photographer. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from Concordia University. His most recent exhibitions include a showing of his work Oh Canada at the Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival and a short film, Taxi Stories, at the opening of the Legacies 150 Exhibition co-presented with the National Film Board at Harbourfront Centre, both celebrating the 150th anniversary of Canada. His interests lie in issues related to identity, culture and how migration has impacted not only the migrant but also the adopted society.