DocNow Presents:
Sadaf Pourghobai
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 17th, 2017 8 – 10 pm
Exhibition Run: Saturday, June 17th, 2017 – Friday, June 30th, 2017.
DeGreening is a response to the catastrophe that is taking place in the fields of Gilan Province in northern Iran where verdant farmlands are being transformed into residential villas.
These fertile, beautiful farmlands form the main memory of my homeland. As a person who was born and grew up in the province of Gilan, I consider this agricultural region, which is slowly being destroyed, to be at the root of my identity. While I have been living far from my homeland for the past eight years, I visit there annually. These intermittent returns between prolonged absences have starkly revealed the process of agricultural land use change. Each year I am confronted with another agricultural area that has been transformed into a residential sector. Speculation, irregular imports, lack of support and many other causes over several decades have created the conditions which have forced the agrarian population to leave their lands in search of better life.
Sadaf Pourghorbani is an Iranian-born photo-based artist, who is currently residing in Toronto. She holds a BFA in Photography from NSCAD University. Sadaf’s works revolve around humans and their relation to their environment.